Thursday, August 14, 2008

Free Tibet - 23rd August 2008, 9:00 p.m. (Local time)

23 August 2008 , 9:00 p.m. (Local time)

Public Candle Lighting Around the World on saturday 23 August

Here you can find information on candle light vigils near you.

Unless specifically noted, they will all start at 9 p.m. local time.

If you want to add your vigil, please let us know:

Country City Location Details/Contact

Australia Bribie Island - Queensland Air Force Park, Bongaree Contact: Lee Griffith

BELGIUM BRUXELLES Chinese Embassy - 463 AVENUE DE TERVUREN 1160 BRUXELLES Contact: Giovanna

Brazil São Paulo In front of Chinese consulate, organized by 'Comitê Brasileiro de Apoio ao Tibet' (CBAT) Contact:

Germany Bremen Mahnwache auf dem Bremer Marktplatz - 12:00 - 13:00 Uhr der TID - RG Bremen Kontakt: Holm Triesch Tel: 0421 370121

Germany Kassel Mahnwache vor dem Rathaus Kontakt: I. Strehlke Tel: 0561-64041

Germany Mönchengladbach Mahnwache und Luftballon-Aktion "Wir gehen in die Luft - für Tibet! Alter Markt - 11.00 -13.00 Uhr Kontakt: Joachim Heinrichs

Germany Nürnberg Mahnwache/Unterschriftenaktion vor der Lorenzkirche - 11:00 – 16:00 Uhr KSt Nürnberg Kontakt: Tel: 0911 43122345 Helga Maul

Germany Potsdam Unterschriftenaktion - 10:00 –18:00 Uhr TID RG Potsdam Kontakt: Jens Freiberg Tel: 0331 2709495

Germany Regensburg Mahnwache vor dem alten Rathaus, Rathausplatz 1 in der Altstadt - 11.00 Uhr - 12.00 Uhr - TID - RG Regensburg Kontakt: Ulli Staritz Tel: 09407 30521

Germany Saarbrücken Mahnwache/Unterschriftenaktion in der Fußgängerzone - 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr TID RG Saarbrücken Kontakt: Maxi Anhalt Tel: 06842 7060800

Germany Überlingen am Bodensee Unterschriftenaktion und Aktion "Wunsch-Luftballons" für Tibet auf dem Wochenmarkt - 8:00 - 14:00 Uhr - TID RG Bodensee Kontakt: Stephanie Dilpert Tel: 07531 3616267

Iceland Reykjavík Chinese Embassy, Víðimel 29 Contact: Birgitta Jónsdóttir

The Netherlands 1079 Amsterdam Maarten Lutherkerk in Amsterdam at 21:00 tonight as well MLK - Uiterwaardenstraat in Amsterdam. The church is not far from the RAI Dr. Andreas H. Wöhle - Tel.: +31 - 6 20195027

Slovenia Not yet defined Virgil in Slovenia also on 23th August 2008. The location is not yet defined. Contact: Mirjana

Russian Federation Moscow region near Moscow Contact: Larisa

SCOTLAND, UK Findhorn Findhorn Meditation Hall at Shambala Retreat Contact: Tel: 01309 690690 Email

Scotland, UK Pitlochry Pitlochry War Memorial in Atholl Road 19.00 All welcome, just bring candles Contact: - not yet defined

UK Birmingham Somewhere in Birmingham Contact: Sunrise Lovatt

UK Bristol Ashton Court, Bristol Map Contact: Team Tibet Bristol

UK Bradford City Centenary Sq, Bradford City Centre 1/2 hour vigil for Tibet Map Contact: Revd Chris Howson for details phone: 01274 727034

UK London Opposite the Chinese Embassy Between 18:00 to 20:00 Contact: Samuel

UK Liverpool Williamson Square and walk till Albert Dock. Contact: DAWA KALSANG

UK Canterbury Outside the Beaney Institute (Canterbury Library), Canterbury High Street No Contact

UK Leighton Cooke Opposite Chinese Embassy - Corstorphine Road No Contact

UK Leeds Victoria Gardens (outside the Art Gallery), Headrow, City Centre between 18:00 and 20:00 hours Contact: Team Tibet Leeds

UK Frome, Somerset Outside Frome Library on Sat. Aug 23rd 8.45-10pm Contact: Franka Fueller - Email

UK Manchester Across from the Chinese embassy Contact: 07854657670

UK Swindon Swindon Wharf Green (by House of Fraser and Mc Donalds) Contact: Lyndsey Donaldson-Selby 07951 479 383

UK Hebden Bridge Town Square Between 8 and 9pm No Contact

UK Stock-on-Trent Staffordshire Park Hall (country park) Contact: Charlotte

USA Miami Lincoln Road Mall at South Beach Contact: Linda Callejas

USA Austin, Texas/b> 8:40 - Auditorium Shores [west from pkg.lot, just past statue] Contact: Jude - Email

USA Atlanta, Georgia Centennial Olympic Park Contact: Alexandra Fuchs

USA PALO ALTO, CALIFORNA MEMORIAL CHURCH, STANFORD UNIVERSITY - Gathering at 8:00 p.m. with Tibetan music by Techung - Candle Lighting 9;00 p.m. Rosalyn Voget