Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Don't let Obama stay silent! Join the Protest!

China's Shame, Xi Jinping is coming to California this week! China is working hard to silence leaders, governments and universities on the Tibet issue. Over 100 Tibetans have set themselves on fire, thousands have protested for their basic freedom and rights. Don't let Obama stay silent! Join the Protest! Dear Friends, SF Team Tibet will rally on June 7 from 9-11 AM at at the corner of Bob Hope Dr and Gerald Ford Dr in Rancho Mirage then is expected to join a joint news rally with our Chinese democracy friends against President Xi Jinping's Visit. NOTICE China's new president Xi Jinping will be to Sunnylands, California, for his meeting with President Obama on June 7-8 (Friday-Saturday). We are going Sunnylands to tell Mr. Xi we don’t approve the Chinese government’s tyranny and its Tibetan policy. We strongly urge President Obama to take stand for Chinese and Tibetan people and coordinate a united position on Tibet with other world leaders, to demonstrate to Mr. Xi that fundamental freedoms and universal values must be upheld. Please report to our gathering place on June 7 at “Thousand Palms Community Center” around 11:00 – 12:00. We will hold a news conference in the community center at 12:30 pm, when we will make our voice heard and unveil Chen Weiming’s new artwork “Tibet is burning.” We will march to the demonstration place immediately after the news conference. Address of Thousand Palms Community Center: 31-189 Robert Rd., Thousand Palms, CA 92276. Driving direction: I-10 east, off from Exit “Bob Hope Dr./ Ramon Rd.” Right turn on Bob Hope Dr. and then left turn on Ramon Rd. Robert Rd. is at the second light. Left turn on Robert Rd., you may see, on the left side, the elementary school, large grassland and a library. Turn left into the library’s parking lot and you will find the conference hall. Contacts:Giovanni Vassallo (415-264-3264) Tenzin Gyaltsen: (510-384-7566) Min Wong (510-333-0026) Zheng Fang(650-255-3498) Chinese & Tibetan Liaison Team of Rally against Xi Jinping’s Visit June 4, 2013 通知 中国新的领导人习近平将于2013年6月7日与8日到加州阳光地,与欧巴马总统举行会谈。 我们将到阳光地告诉习先生我们汉藏人民不接受中国政府的独裁和它的西藏政策,我们强烈敦促欧巴马总统在会见习先生时为中国人民和西藏人民仗义执言,并协调世界各国政府在西藏问题上的共同立场,让习先生知道人民的基本自由和普世价值必须得到尊重。 请 参加抗议活动的人于6月7日上午11:00-12:00先到千棕榈社区中心(Thousand Palms Community Center)报到集中。中午12:30 我们将在社区中心会场举行新闻发布会,向媒体宣布汉藏人民抗议活动的宗旨,并为陈维明先生的最新作品“西藏在燃烧”揭幕。与会人员将在会后到活动现场举行 抗议活动。 千棕榈社区中心的地址为:31-189 Robert Rd, Thousand Palms, CA 92276。 车 行指导:从I-10往东,在Bob Hope Dr./ Ramon Rd. 出口下高速公路。 到Bob Hope Dr. 右转,到Ramon Rd. 左转,穿过I-10后第二个红绿灯即Robert Rd., 左转,可以看到左边的小学、大草坪和图书馆。从图书馆入口处,即进入社区中心会场。 联系人: Giovanni Vassallo (415-264-3264) 汪珉(510-333-0026) 方政(650-255-3498) 汉藏人民抗议习近平访美联络小组 2013-6-4 JOIN! China's Shame, Xi Jinping is coming to California this week! China is working hard to silence leaders, governments and universities on the Tibet issue. Over 100 Tibetans have set themselves on fire, thousands have protested for their basic freedom and rights. Don't let Obama stay silent! Join the Protest! China's Shame, Xi Jinping is coming to California this week! China is working hard to silence leaders, governments and universities on the Tibet issue. Over 100 Tibetans have set themselves on fire, thousands have protested for their basic freedom and rights. Don't let Obama stay silent! Join the Protest!