Saturday, May 14, 2011

UNFFT Press Release, May 14th, 2011


Three TYC members, on day 20 of their Indefinite Hunger Strike, trying to draw attention to the dire situation in Ngaba Kirti, are becoming weaker every day now.

The Chinese Government has since April 21 cordoned off the Kirti Monastery of Amdo region (Kirti Ngaba) in Eastern Tibet, starving the 2500 monks, whilst at the same time has taken hundreds of monks into custody. (we all know what that means).

The situation for Tibetans is becoming every day more terrifying and threatening and there is no sign this is going to be solved. We ask the withdrawal of the Chinese army immediately and Internationsl attention to this dire situation and Human Rights abuse forthwith.

From Sunday, May 15, we are joining Tibetans and Tibet supporters from all over the world, in their own cities and houses, to stand with Tibet and HH the Dalai Lama by supporting this Global Hunger Strike in solidarity of the three Tibetan Youth Congress executives on day 20 of their Hunger Strike, and refrain from taking food ourselves.

We ask you to please spread this news to all sides of the world, and alert media, twitter as much as possible and organize groups or even on your own.

Please make photos and write notes, post them on the internet, post on cars, ring TV stations, do whatever you can, but please help. You can find all the details on about the Tibetan Youth Congress, the Monks in Ngaba Kirti and the situation in Tibet right at this moment.

United Nations for a Free Tibet
(202) 321 7888 USA
